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Concept:mother capture








 My work is about women’s happiness and the way of living, of which themes I overlap with my own life.
I myself is undergoing an infertility treatment, and is one of many childless women desperate for babies.

Painful treatments, expensive doctor’s fees, and the endless cycle of high and low feelings before and after the period is what constitutes my daily life. I feel the pressure from others and when hearing news of another friend becoming a mother, I cannot help but feel imperfectness as well as a sense of defeat. Such feelings sometimes swell so much that I almost lose myself in them.

Yet those friends who become new mothers are my hope and whom I long to be. To recognize their existence more objectively, I stopped clicking the shutter and decided to leave the room discreetly after setting up the video camera. The film shot without a photographer seemed to reveal the reality just as it is, relieved from my subjective and personal intention.


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